Financial Controls for Value Creation

I am working with Hank Harris, CEO of FMI Corporation, on editing his forthcoming book, Creating Value in an Engineering Construction Business. Publication is expected in 2015. 

The challenge of this project is that much of the manuscript is in the form of interviews. These were transcribed and inserted in raw form. People don’t speak as precisely as they write, and conversations are often full of side references, backtracking, unexpected shifts in direction, and material that may be unrelated to the book’s topic.  

For a manuscript based on transcriptions, this means some sections must be entirely re-written or re-structured in order to improve the flow of ideas for written presentation. Material that doesn’t relate to the book’s topic should be removed, and each section must be brought into sharper focus. 

It’s challenging work, but I love seeing these fascinating and meaningful conversations hone in on the most important points and offer up excellent value to readers. 

232QAWS© Karen L. Newcombe 2016     Email:   Phone: 954-428-5457