CE News reviews Achieving Zero
by Karen Newcombe
In the March 2013 issue of CE News, publisher Mark C. Zweig has written a great review of Achieving Zero: My Life and Love of Consulting Engineering.
He also talks about the day he visited David Evans and Associates and admired the fleet of classic Thunderbirds and Studebakers in the parking lot, where most engineeing firms would have had a few dozen standard issue white Tauruses. …
Can I put it into words?
By Karen Newcombe
For many people, the second most terrifying thing after the thought of public speaking is sitting down in front of a blank page and trying to write.
Clients have told me that one of the first questions that comes to mind for them is "Can I put this into words?"
You want what you write to be accurate and interesting, you want to sound intelligent, and let's face it, you want to end up looking good when people read your words. …
Should I write a book? What can I write a book about?
By Karen Newcombe
When people ask me “Should I write a book?” their next question is often “What could I write a book about?”
Underlying this question is often a different question: “Do I really have something to say?” or “Is what I know valuable to anyone else?”
The answer is yes, you should write a book. Yes, you have something to say. And yes, what you know has value. …
Self-published ebook makes a million
By Karen Newcombe
The headline of the Wall St. Journal's D section for March 8, 2013 is "Sci-Fi's Underground Hit", by Alexandra Alter. This article tells the compelling story of how Hugh Howey's self-published book Wool has earned him over $1 million since it first appeard in 2011, and will now be re-published by Simon & Schuster. Howey has also sold movie rights to filmmaker Ridley Scott, but has retained full e-book rights.
Why does hiring a writer save me money?
By Karen Newcombe
Clients often ask me why they should hire a professional writer when they are perfectly capable of writing something themselves.
I tell them that it will save them money.
What's that? Hiring a writer will save me money?
Yes, it will, and here are five reasons why:
- Your time is most valuable when you're doing what you do best: getting new clients, solving problems, setting the strategic direction for your business. …